The Brighter the Stars
Earth United is being rereleased by my new publisher, CamCat Publishing, as The Brighter the Stars.
The Brighter the Stars is the story of Jake Saunders who is a soldier in the Earth’s new military. When he was twelve years old he witnessed the brutal death of his beloved uncle at the hands of a leader from another planet. Unable to help his uncle then, he has worked hard to get the revenge he has always craved. Now that he is an adult and in the military he hopes one day to have the chance to avenge his uncle’s death. Jake finally finds the chance to get that revenge, but he is finding that it might come at a higher price than he ever dreamed.

A Measure of Serenity
A Measure of Serenity is my second young adult novel. It was published by my publisher, CamCat Publishing, and released in November, 2021.
In A Measure of Serenity, eighteen-year-old Serenity Ashdown struggles with an intellectual ability that causes her to constantly count, calculate, and analyze everything she sees, hears, and feels. Because of her keen ability to sense every detail, she can instantaneously detect the number of leaves on a tree, determine how many helicopters are approaching based on their sound, and calculate a vehicle’s speed by how it feels. Her memory is also far beyond photographic. Serenity sees her ability as a curse until she finds herself in a parallel universe where her double—she calls her “the other Serenity”—has recently died. She must decide if she will assume the other Serenity’s identity and use her unique ability to lead a resistance movement in its fight against a tyrannical super-government that is poised to invade her universe.
The Darker the Skies
The Darker the Skies is the sequel to The Brighter the Stars and is the second book in the Earth United trilogy. It was published by my publisher, CamCat Publishing, and released in November, 2022.
Just days before Jake Saunders plans on proposing to the love of his life, Jake is called upon once again to save his home, Earth. The Earthen Legion troops and its allies think they’re battling only pirates, but a new, more powerful foe from another galaxy flanks their forces and invades, in search of a weapon the planet didn’t even know it had. When Jake learns that this new enemy was responsible for the death of his father many years ago, he realizes he can finally face his true nemesis. The odds are stacked against Jake, but with the help of his friends and allies he’s made along the way, he must rally the remaining Legion troops and retake Earth before it’s too late. The fate of Earth and the fate of his love, rest in the balance.
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Welcome New Subscribers/Chocolate Chip Cookies
I wanted to welcome all my new subscribers. There have been a lot of you lately. I really appreciate your support! I won’t spam your inbox with emails. Just a[…]
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Read moreAbout Bryan
Bryan resides in Columbus, Ohio where he is a practicing business attorney with the law firm of Steptoe & Johnson PLLC. He enjoys board games and outdoor activities- hiking, biking, and camping.
His first three novels, The Brighter the Stars and The Darker the Skies of his Earth United trilogy, and A Measure of Serenity, have been published by CamCat Publishing. His fourth novel, Return to Yesterday’s Tomorrow, is available on Amazon.
In addition to practicing law and writing, Bryan is actively involved in the fight against human trafficking. He assists several nonprofit organizations that combat human trafficking at various levels both within the United States and around the world. He provides pro bono legal services to these organizations as well as volunteer work. He also sits on the Board of Directors of four such organizations.